We listed frequently asked questions down below. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to send an email with your questions. info@pyrus.network

What is Pyrus Network?

Pyrus Network is an innovative technology project in the field of Fin-Tech and DeFi. The main task of which, is to create a transparent and decentralized platform for highly profitable and secure investments in cryptocurrencies. Thanks to the automated solutions and unique developments; the project team manages to minimize the risks and the number of user errors. The result is that, crypto investors get even more profit.

What can I do with Pyrus Network?

With Pyrus Network;

Pyrus Network provides you swap, staking, yield farming operations. You can also invest in new projects on our launchpad page. In addition, you can find the highest interest rates in the market with the P-APY Scanner (whose idea and project belong to our team) then you can make automatic purchases and sales with high interest rates with P-ATB.

What is the Pyrus token contract address?

Our tokenization process which started on the BSC network will be active on the ERC-20 and other networks later on.

Below is our BSC-scan link: https://bscscan.com/address/0x257b0EbC73714D3E1F7Cb9752B59987C29396A59


Last updated